Bodyshop - servis for Tesla vehicles
One of the main missions of our company is to provide service for Tesla cars. If you need to service your Tesla, try our reservation system.
Our Story
TESLA Innovations is a joint-stock company, the goal of which is to unite Tesla owners and enthusiasts into one and thus create a company that is beneficial for all Tesla owners and enthusiasts.
Our story began back in 2006, when we have learned about Tesla for the first time, where our interest in electric cars began. After buying the fourth Model S in Slovakia, we founded
Our Services
At TESLA Innovations, we offer an entire ecosystem in the field of electromobility.
Quisque dolor fringilla semper, libero hendrerit allis, magna augue putate nibh ucibus enim eros acumin arcu ligula acumin dolor scelerisque.

We have been driving electric cars for more than ten years, that is why we offer you advice on the selection, features, parameters of EVs on the market.

Electric vehicles Tesla
For us, Tesla electric cars are more than just cars, we see in them a new perspective on mobility, innovation and production processes. That's why we offer you.

Service TESLA – Bodyshop
One of the things when buying an electric car is the question of service, we still don't have a service in Slovakia, but for several years we have been thinking about opening a Tesla-approved service - Bodyshop

An electric car (EV) naturally also includes charging, i.e. AC or DC charger We offer slow AC (alternating current) charging as well as fast direct DC charging.

Do you need to save or are you looking for a renewable source of energy in the form of FVE (photovoltaic power plant):

Why the right batteries (BESS) for electrical energy storage, at home in the company, at school, in the office:

Innovation is the process of creating new or improved products, services, processes, technologies or ideas. These new or improved features can have a positive impact on society, economy and human life.
Our Missions
Do you need an advice in the field of electromobility? Use our services.
If you need advice on buying/choosing the right Tesla, servicing, Tesla charging, photovoltaics, the entire ecosystem in the field of electric vehicles, we are here for you. Try our services.
Our Projects
Developing First Class Solutions for Our Smart Clients.
Buy a Tesla through us
Do you want to buy a Tesla but don't know how? Take advantage of our many years of experience.
Our Blog
Proud to Say, Stark is Your Best Design Agency in the World.

Carwash Detailing
Cleaning the vehicle chassis, washing the vehicle under high pressure with the application of...
I want to order a Tesla
I want to order a Tesla Don't know how to order a Tesla? Don't have time for that? Would you...

Pozývame Vás na vianočný evet Tesla Innovations + Tesla Club & Owners
Pozývame Vás na vianočný event Tesla Innovations + Tesla Club & Owners v Piatok 20.12.2014 o 18-22...

Tesla service order
Here you can request a service for your Tesla. We will contact you after...
Wash your Tesla with us
Do you need to properly clean your Tesla? Try our services.
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Invest in TESLA Innovations a.s
Do you like our business plan? Become part of it!
Duis tristique leo sed libero mattis, id ullamcorper elit viverra. Duis ante metus, efficitur id orci eget, semper posuere nibh. In in neque in ex feugiat uiverra ligula acumin vehicula quis ex. Enean quam enim, cursus eu finibus a.